Cruz Construction prides itself on being one of the premier contractors working on the North Slope. Our extensive experience with Exploration, Ice Roads, Road & Pad Development, Tundra Transport, and Snow Trail Development has helped clients execute their projects under budget and ahead of schedule. Cruz’s reputation for providing a reliable, well-maintained equipment fleet is second-to-none within Alaska’s Oil & Gas industry. Our strong commitment to providing experienced personnel and unparalleled equipment helps Cruz and our clients execute safe, efficient, and compliant projects across the North Slope.
Exploration Support
Cruz Construction’s diverse equipment fleet and experienced personnel have the capabilities to assist our clients with extensive explorations programs. Cruz often partners with clients providing our knowledge of areas to help them capitalize on our experience. Whether its building trails, ice roads, drill sites, mobilizing drill rigs, or providing remote camps, Cruz can provide an all-inclusive service package to insure our clients are successful.
Roads & Pads
Cruz Construction has more experience building gravel roads and pads than any other contractor on the slope. Our Heavy Civil Division and our Oil & Gas Division have partnered on numerous projects across the North Slope in order to deliver gravel roads and pads of all sizes and nature. Cruz performs all of our mining activities, including drill and shoot, in house which helps us deliver projects ahead of schedule and under budget. Whether its 2,000 Cubic Yards or 2,000,000 Cubic Yards, Cruz has the equipment and personnel to deliver.
Ice Roads
Few companies in Alaska have the dedication to succeed in this challenging area of construction. By utilizing innovative construction techniques, we are able to get a head start on ice road projects with a short construction season. We know the importance of a timely start up for our clients. In addition to specialized equipment, we also maintain a fleet of low ground pressure vehicles, which minimizes disturbance to the fragile environment while allowing construction activities to commence. Cruz Construction has the experience and equipment to construct ice roads, ice pads, and ice airstrips onshore or offshore.
Kenai Drilling & Production Support
Cruz’s experienced team utilizes modern, innovative equipment to support oil and gas operations year round. Our extensive fleet of cranes, super suckers, and fluid trailers continue to support operations in the Cook Inlet Region as well as the North Slope. Whether its pile driving, a refinery turn-around, or just general maintenance, Cruz relies on its experienced personnel to navigate our client’s needs. Cruz Construction’s on-site personnel have over 100 years combined experience in this highly specialized area.
Remote Projects & Snow Trails
Cruz maintains a fleet of low ground pressure vehicles that can access sensitive areas early season. On an annual basis, Cruz builds extensive 100+ mile snow trails for our clients allowing them to haul various types of freight to the most remote places in Alaska. Whether it’s a remote village or mining site, Cruz has the equipment built to navigate the harsh terrain of Alaska.

Cruz Construction’s Tundra Transport Capabilties
Tundra Transport
Cruz’s fleet of tundra-approved vehicles brings a new dimension to oil and gas projects on the North Slope. Our equipment fleet places Cruz among the most versatile and capable contractors in Alaska. This equipment allows Cruz to deliver fuel, freight, drill rigs, and support equipment anywhere on the North Slope. Our personnel have decades of experience support resource development projects across Alaska.
Rig Moving
Over the past two decades, Cruz has successfully moved rigs across Alaska in one of the world’s most challenging environments. This kind of specialty work takes expertise and Cruz has the qualified personnel necessary to carry out these high stakes operations. We offer the seasoned experience of our rig move supervisors who, between them, have over 60 years of experience moving rigs across the Arctic North Slope. In addition to this unmatched knowledge, we offer an innovative heavy haul trucking fleet made up of Kenworth Prime Movers, Bed Trucks, Winch Trucks, CAT Dozers, and various heavy haul trailers that are the right tools for the job in the hands of our rig move experts. In support of the rig move crew, our North Slope operations team led by our field supervisors combine to make up the best Arctic transportation unit on the entire North Slope of Alaska. Between our fleet, our experienced team, and our ability to adapt in the harshest of environments, our team is leading the way in this unique and challenging field.